Product Highlights
Coronavirus: Information on current status

Dear Customers,
In light of the ongoing developments of Coronavirus in China and according to our supplier feedback, we understand we are facing a non-predictable impact to our component supply chain. Our impressions so far is immediate orders are firm but there is a possibility of delays within the next few months and for unknown period. 

The concern is not only with China suppliers of materials but with the logistics constraints. Even Taiwan based IPC vendors could be impacted as connectors, components and cables assemblies are largely made in China. To help alleviate this many passive components and raw materials, a substitute can be sourced within Taiwan to help prevent any bottlenecks.

Please note there is also a global shortage of DRAM which is unlikely to change for 2020 due to increased demand and no increased capacity.
To help manage our customer demands we are suggesting that extended orders be placed to secure delivery schedules.

We appreciate your patience and understanding as we continue to do all we can to minimise disruptions to the supply chain for the products you purchase from Tekdis.
To find out more about our complete range of products, or to configure Build to Order solutions, please contact our team today.
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